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About This Site

How-To Matthew is a site dedicated to the handy men and women who prescribe to the mantra of do-it-yourself when it comes to maintaining, remodeling, renovating, fixing, repairing, modifying, improving, or altering any material things they own, most notably home, yard, and vehicles.

These are the prime directives of How-To Matthew:

Help People accomplish any job by him or herself while diminishing the need of hiring a professional.

Provide Information that is useful and easy to understand to beginners and experienced DIYers alike.

Be Financially Responsible by helping people complete home, vehicle and other tasks without having to pay labor fees to somebody else and by completing those tasks in a financially efficient manner when possible.

Be Environmentally Responsible by practicing good stewardship of our natural resources and surroundings.

Becoming Self Sufficient by constantly learning and growing in experience. I know that I am always learning more that makes me increasingly self sufficient and I hope that this site helps others in their own growth. To help accomplish and maintain this growth, I will continue to strive to make How-To Matthew continually grow.

Other Information About How-To Matthew:

I created all the site's graphics.

All photos, unless otherwise noted, were taken by me.

Most of the original articles were created by documenting my own home remodeling projects and vehicle maintenance jobs.

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